A Fall of Light by LJ Greene

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Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway:
A Fall of Light
By L.J. Greene

A Fall of Light Cover

LJ Greene brings to life one of her most compelling characters: the intensely creative bass guitarist, Greg Van de Meer. A Fall of Light weaves together the strands of Greg’s private and public lives—a shattering personal history, a love affair with potentially disastrous consequences, and family bonds that are stretched to their breaking point.

It’s been fifteen years since Greg was outed by his fundamentalist father at age sixteen and sent from home, with devastating consequences for both he and his younger brother, Asher. Now unlaid ghosts from the past are stirring. With his band’s success on the world stage, Greg’s life takes a complicated turn when he develops a friendship with Louis Angel, an ex-Marine with a secret of his own, and finds himself facing familiar threats from an unexpected source.

Strained loyalties, a private affair, and Greg’s own guarded history collide dangerously until a visit from an old foe forces him to confront past wounds and present beliefs. Allegiances are called into question and he must decide whether the secrets he’s fighting to protect are worth the life he’s finally ready to have.

A Fall of Light is a standalone adult contemporary M/M romance.

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Greg looked down at his hands and realized they were clenched into fists, his fingernails digging viciously into the flesh of his palms. “No,” he whispered to himself, and opened them, exposing the angry moon-shaped marks. “No.”

He took his phone from his pocket, opened up his texts, and looked at the photo again. He remembered it all; remembered the joy of opening his eyes and seeing Louis standing there, the shock of being pulled against his firm body, and the warm mocha taste of his mouth. He remembered the absolute, utter relief of it. The beauty, the bliss. The rightness, now made wrong.

He set the phone down, bracing himself on the counter’s edge, his head hung low. He was just now realizing exactly the magnitude of the gift Louis had given him. He had been the only one in the world who knew Louis’s secret—the only one—and suddenly he felt the weight of that trust heavy and warm in his heart. And then it turned cold.

Rage and sorrow battled for mastery in his gut.  This was his fault, he told himself. It was Louis’s association with him that put Louis in this situation; it was his stupid carelessness that had put Louis at risk and brought the wolves to his door.

But if they thought for a moment that Greg would bow easily to intimidation . . . He realized he was clenching his fists again, and opened them. “You are grossly mistaken,” he said softly, to the rain.

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Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of A Fall of Light, LJ is giving away a $25 Amazon Voucher!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

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Direct Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/cc0f2a57777/?

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About the Author:

LJ Greene is a self-professed obsessive multi-tasker who writes boring stuff by day and lets her inner romantic fly by night. This California native is married to the most amazing man and has two beautiful children, now old enough to read her books but still not interested because of the ew, gross factor. She’s an avid reader of all genres with an embarrassingly large ebook collection, and a weird penchant for reading the acknowledgements at the end of a novel. She’s also a music lover with no apparent musical talent, a travel enthusiast, and a cheese connoisseur. 

Website: www.ljgreenebooks.com

Twitter: @authorljgreene



  1. Thank you so much for hosting me! What a lovely site you have! And thank you for supporting indie authors like me by enabling us to add our voices to the chorus. We greatly appreciate it! xo LJ Greene


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